Go 语言开发工具 LiteIDE X35.4 发布,新版本增强了代码导航和代码完成功能,在源代码存在错误情况下也可利用文本信息实现部分导航功能。增强了 Golang 导入行的代码完成功能,支持模糊完成,对于 Go Module 项目,显示 go.mod 依赖包以及项目本地包的 import path,对于 GOPATH 项目,使用源码分析显示所有包的 import path。
### 2019.01.30 Ver X35.4 * LiteIDE * source code navigation can be used in wrong source code * imports completer support gomod depends and local imports for gomod project * imports completer support lookup all imports by source for GOPATH project * LiteApp * fix vs-dark.qss menu icon bug for windows10 * LiteEditor * fuzzy golang imports completer * fix complter imports offset * fix enter auto insert tab or space check by previous line * GolangCode * fix receive imports line process * GolangEdit * support lookup types info wrong source code * add jump to declaration toolbar * fix jump to declaration save history * gotools & gocode * source code navigation can be used in wrong source code * lookup gomod depends and local imports for gomod project * lookup all imports from source for GOPATH project