SOFARPC 5.5.0 发布了,SOFARPC 是一个高可扩展性、高性能、生产级的 Java RPC 框架。SOFARPC 致力于简化应用之间的 RPC 调用,为应用提供方便透明、稳定高效的点对点远程服务调用方案。为了用户和开发者方便的进行功能扩展,SOFARPC 提供了丰富的模型抽象和可扩展接口,包括过滤器、路由、负载均衡等等。
New Feature
PR 195 - Add hystrix integration extension
PR 239 - Support jackson serialize for http
PR 422 - Register CorsFilter by default and support custom allowed origins. (378)
PR 246 - Support consul as registry. !beta preview.
PR 184 - Support elastic connection holder.
PR 466 - Support mosn.
PR 421 - Add auth support for zookeeper registry
Issue 349 - Handle clientTimeout attribute in GenericContext (PR 350)
PR 267 - ConsistentHashLoadBalancer supports weight.
PR 260 - Use ConcurrentMap to replace the declaration of ConcurrentHashMap objects. (252)
Bug Fix
PR 454 - Fix consul converter and construct props order (449)
PR 413 - Fix LocalRegistryHelper#checkModified returns true even if the file has not changed (412)